Topic 1 : Screening, Separation and Identification of Metal-Chelating Peptides in Complex Mixtures for Health, Nutrition & Cosmetic Applications
These researches focus on the setting-up of original screening methods of antioxidant metal-chelating peptides in a complex mixture, before launching time-consuming separation steps. They involve:
> the screening methods using either Surface Plasmon Resonance, switchSENSE or IMAC-MS;
> the modelling of data obtained at the molecular scale by SPR for predicting separation at the IMAC process scale (intern LRGP coll. with Perseval Axis);
> the establishment of QSAR type correlations between the affinity of an immobilised metal ion and a peptide, and its antioxidant activity.
Topic 2: Separation of Phenolic Compounds in Bio-oil produced by Thermochemical Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass
These research activities led in LRGP intern collaboration with CITHERE
axis aim to use thermodynamic tools in order to improve the conditions of
Liquid/Liquid Extraction of phenolics contained in bio-oils and then, to
evaluate their antioxidant properties.
Topic 3: Identification of New Antioxidant Molecules in various Vegetal and Animal Ressources
Coll.: University of Constantine (Algeria), University of Gabès and the Institute of Applied Biology of Medenine (Tunisia), University of Antioquia (Médellin, Columbia), Danish Technical University (Coppenhagen, Denmark)