(32) Presentation of the research activities of the group for the new LRGP members. The 22d November 2024.

(31) Nekkaa A., Mathé C., Muhr L, Canabady-Rochelle L. Production et séparation d'un conservateur alimentaire d'origine naturelle : la nisine. Presentation to politics at the foire de Châlon. Month of the bioeconomie. The 31st of August 2024.

(30) Radio Campus Nancy, August 2023. The peptide-metal relationship...a question of affinity. broadcast on January 22, 2022.

(29) General Public Conference - Honoring the Bioprocesses-Biomolecules axis. Irankunda, R., Camano Echavarria J.A., Pontvianne S., Arnoux P. and Canabady-Rochelle L*. Presentation entitled "Peptide-Metal relationship: a question of affinity…" 11 May 2023.

(28) Participation annuelle aux Journées Portes Ouvertes de l'ENSIC – Stand LRGP. Exposition de kakémono, posters de médiation scientifique, diffusion de vidéos.

(27) Organisation de l'accueil de 4 élèves de 3èmes du au 6 au 10 Février 2023 – Découverte d'un milieu professionnel (stage découverte de 3ème).

(26) CHIC conference "Biomolecules and Metal: A question of affinity" for the general public, 4th of July 2022 at ENSIC, organized on the occasion of the first international MBP'2022 conference. Presentation entitled "Peptide desperately seeking metal".

(25) Organization of the reception of 4 schoolchildren from 4 to 8 April 2022 - Discovery of a professional environment.

(24) Animation of the Linkedin of LRGP lab. on a weekly basis.

(23) Organization and participation of the ENSIC village, the 2d of Septembre 2020. Presentation of the activities of LRGP lab. to the new arrived ENSIC students.

(22) The Research in Songs, Université de Lorraine (2020). Song intitled « Fluides ». Crache-Texte compagny (Yann Berriet, Olivier Herrmann, Diego Ingold)

(21) Booklet for the 10 years of LRGP to describe its research activities in 10 societal thematics for the general public.

(20) Article on the plateform The Conversation France. 9th of January 2020. « Quand des « mini-protéines » mettent en cage des métaux. Schneider R., Faller P. et Canabady-Rochelle L.

(19) Scientific mediation projet on LRGP research activities led by the undergraduated students in Public Communication & Numerical Tools of the Université de Lorraine. « Le Génie des Procédés: Quézaquo ».

(18) Organization of the participation of LRGP to the Health month in Grand Est région, Marsh 2020.

(17) Organization of the day « Les cordées de la réussite », the 8th of February 2019 for school boys and girls of Forbach (2019).

(16) Participation to the organization of the 80 years of the CNRS (2019) for LRGP with CHIC conferences at destination of the general public.

(15) Organization of the Year of Chemistry 2018-2019

(14) Organization and participation at the Science Festival " la Fête de la science", 13rd of october 2018.

(13) Organisation of the Heritage days, ENSIC, 15th and 16th of September 2018.

(12) ENSIC Open days, the 10th of February 2018

(11) Gestion of the press relations for the 1st French day on the Photodynamic therapy (30th November 2017)

(10) Participation to the mensual LRGP Newsletter sent to the members of the LRGP and our partnerships

(9) Participation to the inauguration day of the commun laboratory between LRGP and Air Liquide as Charged of Communication Mission of the lab. (Octobre 2017)

(8) Organisation of a visiting day of the INSIS communication institut of CNRS (May 2017)

(7) Organisation of the 130 years old of ENSIC, 13th october 2017

(6) Feast organized for the students of the preparatory classes in chemistry during the 130 years old of  ENSIC. October 2017.

(5) Participation to the realization of movie on the research activities of LRGP. Série Avant-scène recherche « L'usine de demain ».

(4) LRGP. Slideshow with sound for the open day of ENSIC (7th mars 2015).

(3) Oral presentation intittled « At l'ENSIC, Peptides are FANTASTIC » for the 125 years old (12 October 2012)

(2)Participation to the Science Festival (October 2012)

(1) Presentation to the PhD students to the Doctoral school seminar RP2E (Ressources, Products, Processes, Environnement; 2012) entitled « From the PhD thesis to the CNRS, Advancing the Frontiers ! ».

Laetitia Canabady-Rochelle - Scientific personal page
Tous droits réservés 2018
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